Who or what was the Katie B named for? An Indian in Alaska or a bay there? Harold Jacobs answered the question. He is a resource specialist for the Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. Kadashan Bay is one mile across on the South Shore of Teankee Inlet on Chichagof Island, four miles south of Tenakee Springs, Alex. Arch. It was named in 1929 by the US Forestry Service for Paul K Kadashan, an Indian who applied for this land as a homestead in 1915. The totems are of a different Kadashan but probably a relative to Paul Kadashan. The local descriptive name for Kadashan Bay is BIG BAY. Paul Kadashan was from Haines, AK.. The answer is BOTH...I guess! Thanks Harold for the information!
Billy Fortune
??? Billy Fortune ???
Entering a floating dry dock at Manus, Admiralty Is. 19 Nov 44
Stencil used by Jack Adolf.
Earl Biggerstaff Zack Zink Gene Brown
8 Jan 45
Impact damage from KamiKaze
Pearl Harbour, Awaiting the passing of President Roosevelt
The 5" shell casing found by Bob K.
He has been trying to found what the
history of it was. He found the Katie
B's website. He noted he found this as
a small boy over 50 years ago. It has
USS KADASHAN BAY on its side and
inscribed on the cap is Sept 1944
Layte -Samar-Second Battle of the
Philippines...Oct 1944 Mindoro...Nov
1944-Luzon Jan 1945 and
Remember 8 Jan 1945. The cap is
from a 5" Mark V 38 cal. shell, lot #
721. Bob noted he had always felt
a sincere seriousness and an
attachment this "cap" without
Knowing its history...Now I know why.
Rightly So. If anyone wants to
write Bob his email is:
Now, the question? Who inscribed
The Kadashan Bay's Nicknames:
The Katie B
The K-B
The Katy B
The Katy Bee
The photo is the moment of impact by the
Kamikaze. However, it is from a Japanese
Military Magazine!
Capt Hunter turns over the command of
CVE-76 to Capt Monroe at Peal Harbor.
This page was last updated on: November 13, 2019
Capt. Monroe reads the terms of Surrender to the Crew.
Rolling Deck? no the Katie B is turning into the wind to land her planes as the barriers are up
The Mule Shack in Oakland, CA Feb. 1945
Jack Adolf, Ship's Painter
Chief Kadashan, Wrangell, AK
Can anyone Indentify the men?
Can anyone indentify the men?
CVE under attack on 25 OCT 44
The photo is believed to be of the KitKun Bay and taken by Ens. Jensen's crew about 0900 from 5000'.
Rodger Kurtz RM2/c.
Charlie Karr
Fran ??
Joe Guidry Galley Crew
Fred Yglesias
Arthur Baumann
Fred Marcum. He was the crew member who survived being hit by an FM-2's propeller.